Update on my film.

So currently I still remain in the preproduction stage of my film but should be starting the filming process soon. I have been working on many preproduction things to make sure that everything is ready for when we start filming such as making sure that the script is ready for my actors. I have recently finished getting the team to work on the film as I might need help with certain things. The people I have all have there own role for the film or are working on the film and they will be listed below. I even have two people for a the role of Dean just in case I needed the understudy. Sebastian: Joseph Mosca (Jojo) Dean: Gio Martinez or Samuel Franco Monster: Ronan Tucciarone Psychiatrist: Daniela Rubio Makeup: Daniela Rubio Tech: Rami Phillips and Tyson Lebron Cinematographer: Maven Lebron Editor: Maven Lebron I might have to add someone for social media as I would need someone to be in the background able to take pictures to post on the Instagram and help promote the fi...