Update on my film.

 So currently I still remain in the preproduction stage of my film but  should be starting the filming process soon. I have been working on many preproduction things to make sure that everything is ready for when we start filming such as making sure that the script is ready for my actors. 

I have recently finished getting the team to work on the film as I might need help with certain things. The people I have all have there own role for the film or are working on the film and they will be listed below. I even have two people for a the role of Dean just in case I needed the understudy.

Sebastian: Joseph Mosca (Jojo)

Dean: Gio Martinez or Samuel Franco

Monster: Ronan Tucciarone

Psychiatrist: Daniela Rubio

Makeup: Daniela Rubio

Tech: Rami Phillips and Tyson Lebron

Cinematographer: Maven Lebron

Editor: Maven Lebron

I might have to add someone for social media as I would need someone to be in the background able to take pictures to post on the Instagram and help promote the film. I also plan on added someone to help create music for my film as I need multiple different soundtracks for a multitude of scenes. Now that I've acquired my team I've been discussing a schedule with them in order to start the filming process as we are all very eager to begin filming this film.

I have acquired many different pieces of tech in order to help enhance my film process. These technical items include a tripod, gimble, lens, and even microphones which will help my filming process in drastic ways as I have a larger opportunity to up the quality for my film. One thing that I am still searching for though is a good lighting rig as I might need that for my film to help stabilize the light in my scenes. Now although I have most of my tech pieces and have already researched a multitude of other pieces of tech I still plan to search  for anything that may help me film this film as I want to make sure that I can increase the quality of my film as much as possible.

When it comes to advertisements I have taken a break from the Instagram page to make sure that I am ready to post when we begin filming as that's when the Instagram is going to be most active. This is due to the fact that I want to create many posts beforehand and when we begin filming I can flood the Instagram with scheduled posts  to make sure that the posting stays consistent to help promote the film even more. I also have a multitude of people ready to promote the Instagram and the film so when everything is being worked on and the film is done there will be much more promotion from other people as well as the Instagram for our film.

Together with my team I believe that this is a good start to this film as we are all eagerly waiting to begin filming this and we are very excited to see how this film is going to turn out.


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