Marketing in movies.

 Marketing In Movies

The two marketing strategies I will be discussing  are the marketing strategies of the horror film's "Skinamarink" and "Smile."

This is the movie poster for "Skinamarink." It shows an upside down house with a young boy sitting in front of the door. It seems that this poster establishes the tense scenery in the movie as it seems very unpredictable at times. The door is a representation of something that happens in the movie as the doors and windows in the Childs home mysteriously  disappear. The advertisers definitely chose to show the tense unpredictable essence of the film especially since this film is a very slow moving and confusing viewing experience. I believe this poster did a good job at representing the tense and eerie feeling that this movie can make someone feel.
This is a screenshot from the "Skinamarink" website. The website continues to play the trailer in the background of the homepage which shows the eerie, tense, and paranormal aspects of the film. The website then goes on to give a short synopsis of the movie making sure to mention that something is watching the children in the film which tells us that there are paranormal events in the film especially as the doors and windows are disappearing. I think they did a good job with there website at it has links to other forms of advertisement and even tickets to be bough and where to watch it online at home. Overall I think that there website gives elements of this paranormal horror that I would really like to incorporate into my film.

The "Smile" poster is very bare there isn't much other than this woman having this creepy grin on her face staring at us. I believe this poster does a good job at catching the eye as it is something that is very unique. The grin of this woman shows the insanity in this movie as it definitely is a very creepy smile. This poster gives of very creepy feelings and sets you up for the eeriness of the film. The advertisers chose this for the poster as it is extremely simple yet it gets there point across very well. Its extremely accurate to the title of the film and it gives us and idea of what is to come with this creepy grin. It gives future viewers a feeling of suspense by just looking at the poster, which I believe is what the advertisers intended.

I viewed the trailer for "Smile" and it conveyed a lot of different things for the movie. The trailer had this continuous idea of this paranormal entity which is shown controlling people by them smiling with a very creepy grin and harming themselves. We know that this film is one of creepiness as we are seeing these creepy depictions of these people possessed and the entity itself. The advertisers definitely covered a lot of important information about the film in the trailer so we have an idea of the story yet don't know exactly what happens so even with the trailer you are still left in suspense. The trailer began as a slow moving and calm trailer then as we learn about the entity and what it is doing to people the trailer speeds up and we are bombarded with new information and more creepy moments which definitely help build anticipation for the film.


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