
Showing posts from March, 2023

My personal reflections

  We have had many different issues in filming our film opening. One problem we had was picking out specific dates to film with each actor as everyone has been very busy recently. This has mainly just hurt the time in which we will get the film opening done. Another issue we had is continuously making changes to our film opening but we do believe it is for the better. This means yes, yet again we are making another change but we are extremely happy with this change we are making as it will be much easier to film and I believe its a very good idea and I'm  excited to see how it would turn out. Currently our problem is the planning and rewriting of our script. The actual filming has been much easier than I thought it would be as I was pretty general in what I wanted to film so it wasn't to hard to implement my ideas and execute them just as I wanted them. This led to the editing as well as that hasn't been to difficult either with all of us working on it and ...

Four areas of production in my film opening.

Mise-en-scene- We've worked a lot on our production of mise-en-scene but it isn't as easy as we thought it would be. The main thing we have taken attention to was the costume design for our characters and especially their blocking within the scene. Some of the things we have done to convey mise-en-scene was with the scene with one of our character sitting in the middle of the field I purposely made him stand directly in the middle as I believe it gives it more of a sense of isolation. I also let the sound play in the background because it heightened the feeling of isolation with this character. Another thing we did with mise-en-scene was in our first scene we wrapped up the character doing the stunt in pillows to show that they seriously didn't know what they were doing and make it more comedic. Cinematography- I like the idea of mixing many contrasting shots in a scene from a establishing shot to close- up Dutch angle. I like to also pr...

2nd day of filming

 The 2nd day of filming was even better than the first. We changed up the entire intro to our film opening as the scene that we got from the second day of filming was much more interesting than the last. This new scene consists of two different perspectives of these kids stalking their friend in a dragon costume while the friend in the dragon costume doesn’t know where they are. I believe this is a much more interesting intro to the movie as it introduces many different questions about these characters, where they are, and what they are doing. This scene took us about an hour to film as well and it worked out perfectly as the weather was in our favor as not being to shaded and not to windy so our sound quality ended up being better than usual. We did many takes of this scene only perfecting tiny things as we already knew how we would do this and didn’t want to change it to much. I think this scene is much better than the scene we filmed first through cinematography and editing as i...

1st day of filming

The first day of filming was somewhat successful as we filmed the first scene in our film opening but we had some issues and some changes in ideas with each take. Overall we only filmed one scene taking me and my actors about an hour in total with many different takes and things being added. My actors are all best friends with each other so the relationship they had helped me film as they seemed to be more genuine with each other and not just acting. The scene included a stunt in which one character falls and the actor that played that character was really into the part and took many falls one after the other. One of our main issues with the filming was once again our sound quality. Our sound wasn’t horrible but we ended up having to move locations due to lawn work being done right where we were filming. This ended up helping us though as we found a better location for our scene and we were much more happy with it. Moving to the other location helped us as we could capture both of our ...

Week of March 6th

My group and I are still in the pre-production phase of our film opening. We’ve worked on a few things since my last update which includes more planning for our film as well as we rewrote our script as we weren’t happy with it because it was exactly what we wanted to convey. We initially wanted to convey ideas of popularity getting to someone’s head and we are still incorporating that but we want to push it further through one of the characters exploiting another just for the reason to gain their popularity. This idea was established in our original script but we decided that we didn't do it the way we wanted so we decided to rewrite it and focus more on the idea even dedicating a whole new part of a scene dedicated just to the idea of this exploitation. We haven't changed too much as we still want to have many comedic parts in our film opening but at the same time we want to dive into the manipulation part. This will also make it easier to set some mise-en-scene through outfit...