Four areas of production in my film opening.

Mise-en-scene- We've worked a lot on our production of mise-en-scene but it isn't as easy as we thought it would be. The main thing we have taken attention to was the costume design for our characters and especially their blocking within the scene. Some of the things we have done to convey mise-en-scene was with the scene with one of our character sitting in the middle of the field I purposely made him stand directly in the middle as I believe it gives it more of a sense of isolation. I also let the sound play in the background because it heightened the feeling of isolation with this character. Another thing we did with mise-en-scene was in our first scene we wrapped up the character doing the stunt in pillows to show that they seriously didn't know what they were doing and make it more comedic.

Cinematography- I like the idea of mixing many contrasting shots in a scene from a establishing shot to close- up Dutch angle. I like to also practice many different types of camera work as well and experimenting with different shots helps me get a good idea of what will and wont work. A lot of our focus with cinematography is the quality of our camera and how good it looks when put together with all the other clips. When it came to camerawork that the characters themselves are filming we made the camera shaky to give a sense that they don't what they are doing.

Editing- Our editing process consists of my group and I working together on editing the clips together. What we do each of us will edit all of our clips together then we will share what we did and let our main editor take the best from each and implement into the film. most of our film opening will consist of lots of different cuts between dialog. 

Sound- Our sound quality has improved but its still not perfect. We plan to include music into our film opening as well as maybe adding police sirens into our film as we may try something new. I plan on buying new equipment including more items to help improve our sound quality. We will also keep our scene silent at some points to include the diagetic sounds of being outside to help convey the isolation of some scenes.


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