Why Do I Like What I Like?
I like a multitude of genre's including action, horror, comedy, and even dramas but for my film I plan on going into the horror genre. Now it was mainly between action and horror. An action film caught my eye because I would really enjoy to film a fight scene yet I do not think that it is the best idea because I would rather make a compelling and well-thought out story and I believe I can accomplish that through a horror film. I really enjoy horror films because I love the feeling of suspense that comes with them. The stories usually follow some sort of entity and not although yes it could be slightly repetitive I still enjoy and think these stories are well though are because it feels as though I am watching something new every time. Now I'm not saying every horror film is like this just a lot of them. I think the idea of an entity is portrayed really well though as the characters that surround the rest of the story are also very complex and that's what I would like to es...