Final thought on the film opening project.

Our film opening is almost done and we are very excited to be finished with this long process of different changes in the film opening. I will include each of our different attempts at our film opening including what might be the final version of our film opening.

We have been working on our film opening for a while now and we have made so many different changes in the process, from a samurai movie to an action movie to a comedy and now we have finally made our decision to go with this mockumentary style interview of sorts. We stuck to the story of our original script but we changed where it starts and how it is portrayed. We filmed initially but quickly realized that we were thinking about our film in the wrong way as what we had previously filmed seemed to fit as a part later in the movie instead of the opening. This made us brainstorm together to create this new mockumentary idea to start out our film which I believe is much more representative of what a film opening is supposed to be.

We had one day where we filmed the entire mockumentary which was extremely successful as we had gotten all the footage for our film opening and even some more. The process in making this new film opening was so much better thought out as we had so much more things to aid in the production of the new film opening. These things included better materials to build our own set as we had a tarp to have a blank background as well as we had a microphone and a tripod to keep our camera steady. I will include the photos of these different pieces if equipment we used in the creation of our film opening as well as I will include some behind the scenes photos in this blog.

Below is the 3rd version of our film opening which is the one discussed in this blog post.


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