Working on the Creative Critical Reflection (CCR)


Below is a link to my planning for my CCR which include my script of it.

CCR plan V2

I haven't finished my CCR as I plan on making it like an interview and its own video but I have yet to put the video together. I already have someone to interview me and multiple questions to ask. In the script I talk about the many changes that went down during my film opening as well as the technologies we used. I have many pictures and videos that I will implement into my CCR video as the entire thing will be a sort of mock podcast because I want to do something other than a PowerPoint presentation and I want mine to be special and heavily edited.

I have worked on my CCR as I have gathered many behind the scenes photos and videos to play while I talk about the film. I had designated people come to the filming of our film opening to get background footage and pictures which ending up being very beneficial as I got a lot of material to use and talk about in my CCR.

I might end up changing my CCR to a PowerPoint but I would still much rather do this as I believe it is much more enjoyable to watch and it will look much better alongside my film opening.

There are many things I plan to talk about in my CCR like the technologies I used and how I used them or even just my actors and who they are and why I chose them. All these things will either be added to the script or even is already in the script. I plan on filming the audio for my CCR very soon and editing everything accordingly.

Some photos that will be included in the CCR are shown 

Shows the things I used to help with filming

Some behind the scenes photos of setting up our set and what it looked like and some even just talking with my actors and just getting to the house where we filmed.
A photo of one of my actors on set testing it out.
This is a photo of my little brother on the set helping us out as he really wanted to be included so I even gave him his own camera to take some behind the scenes videos and pictures. I have yet to obtain the videos and pictures as they are on the camera still.
We also had a separate scene in the film opening because my little brother really wanted to be in it and the scene consists of my little brother talking about the incidents as he plays the police officer who took in the children. (We unfortunately had to cut it due to time constraints but I might put it in my CCR as it is behind the scenes.

This last photo is really funny to me because it shows my team member Max Forestal on his bike heading to the set because him and I decided to bike to the house where we were shooting. This ended up being a really funny adventure and I will maybe include this in my CCR.


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CCR (Creative Critical Reflection)