2nd Blog Post

 Example 1: Kill Bill. I plan on imitating Kill Bill mainly with its combat with a katana and I'm I've wanted to do a samurai film of sorts so studying combat with a katana is beneficial to my film opening and I can use this film as a reference of sorts.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) - IMDb

Example 2: Star Wars The Revenge of the Sith.

Although this movie takes place in a sci-fi fictional universe I draw inspiration from the combat within this movie but mainly from the idea of the antagonist being an old friend of the protagonist and he ends up turning on him. I won't take the exact ideas so as to not copy but the movie does supply an idea that I can use in my film opening.

Countdown to Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - The Georgetown Voice

Example 3: Karate Kid. I draw inspiration from the Karate Kid because of the cinematography of the movie and I would like to recreate some shots especially when the main protagonist will be shown training with his master.

Jacket On, Jacket Off in a Remake With Jackie Chan - The New York Times


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