
A few of my struggles with Parasomnia.

 I had many struggles while filming Parasomnia. One of my biggest obstructions to the film process is that it was very difficult to maintain a time and date to film as many things would come up unexpectedly or someone who I needed to either act in the scene or be there to help would not respond. Another issue I had is with capturing sound for my film. I never had access to a truly good microphone so I had to depend on either my phone mic or some very cheap lavaliers. I also think that with these issues that I had to work through I overcame them with a product that I am extremely proud of. I struggled as I never filmed anything this big before so it was truly a new challenge for me to face that's why I'm so proud of the outcome as I believe that I did a good job.

CCR (Creative Critical Reflection)

Well Parasomnia is finally finished. I do want to preface this with saying that this truly was a difficult process to do. I really enjoyed filming this film even though I had so many problems come up. Anyways we can get into that information later let me first explain this films background. When I planned this film, I really wanted to do something scary but have a story that people may be able to relate to. The main character Dean is a young college student who is struggling to sleep, which is a problem that many colleges students face. Now Dean not only has trouble trying to sleep he also keeps himself awake voluntarily as he has nightmares about horrible things. Recently Deans nightmares have felt more and more real until he needs to go to a psychiatrist and see what’s wrong, but he gets nothing out of it as his nightmares were disregarded as nothing important. This then leads to Deans demise as he was right about his dreams, and he knew something was coming for him. Now all this rel...


Parasomnia is finally out! Make sure to check out my CCR to see the behind the scenes and true meaning of this film. I hope you all enjoy parasomnia the link is down below!  Parasomnia

What theory can apply to my film?

My film closely relates to the uses and gratifications theory in media specifically the cognitive and integrative needs that this theory discusses.  The uses and gratifications theory discusses that people choose to consume certain kinds of media because they expect to obtain specific gratifications as a result of those selections.  If I were to go further I wouldn't necessarily be aiming for this theory but the representation theory is displayed very blatantly in my film so I much rather discuss a theory that is more underlying such as the uses and gratifications theory. The representation theory in my film is discussed as I represent mental illness through Dean and how society often doesn't give much care to the people who may need it most. Thus shaping the audiences knowledge on what they might not be seeing as you can never truly see through someone else's eyes. Now, back to the uses and gratifications theory specifics. Now for the specifics of the cognitive and integra...

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Media theories in a piece of media.

 I recently rewatched the Joker film and I really enjoyed it. When watching I kept track of what media theory could be present in this film and the one that I came to the conclusion of being in the film is the representation theory. This theory is definitely the most prevalent as the film Joker discusses Arthur Flecks descent into madness as he is mentally ill and nobody does anything to help him. This piece of media shapes the audiences knowledge and understanding of what it might be like to have a mental disorder and continuously be pushed around by anyone around you. I think the movie Joker does a fantastic job at truly helping the understanding of what someone with a heavy mental illness will go through day to day as we see Arthur be almost banished into being alone because of how he is. These photos show the sadness and obviously abnormal behavior of Arthur. Yet as we see this world through his eyes although he in the end is a villain we see why society led him to be that way ...